The power of virtual!
An online, multi-day internal training

The Problem

With a global team and busy event schedule, this event had to accommodate over 300 users across a variation of meeting styles

The client wanted unique ways to unite host and delegates in a virtual setting.

The aim of the brief was to improve internal cooperation and share knowledge concerning therapies and data for units in Europe.

The meeting had been postponed in previous years due to Covid, so attendance and audience analytics were important.

The Duuzra Solution

The Outcome

To give complete event oversight over the 9-days, Duuzra provided smaller, interim reports daily as well as a full, detailed report post event.

Detailed reporting helped the client better understand their internal team and follow up more effectively.

Increased audience feedback in comparison to similar events run on previous years

Increased attendance in comparison to previous years

420 questions asked

Live leaderboards encouraged participation in interaction

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